
作者:王月 赵清春
基金:北京市自然科学基金面上项目(8202012)。 -页码-:106-108
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Finite Flement Analysis of Fluid-solid Coupling for Pumping Concrete Bend Pipe
WANG Yue ZHAO Qingchun
(CCCC Fourth Highway Engineering Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: The finite element numerical simulation of concrete pumping bend pipes and brackets is carried out by using fluid-solid coupling technology. And the law of inner force and concrete movement of the bracket during pumping is studied and analyzed. Computing results show that the bend pipe is found to be most stressed in the horizontally and vertically distributed pipe design. And the increase of speed and pressure will increase the support reaction force. Both the feasibility and reliability of the method to simulate the force characteristics of bend pipes were verified by studying the static force and power characteristics of fluid-solid coupling in concrete pumping bend pipes.
Keywords: concrete; pumping; bend pipes; fluid-structure coupling; simulation; static analysis; dynamic response
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