
作者:王家磊 吴帅峰
单位:民航机场规划设计研究总院有限公司 中国水利水电科学研究院
基金: -页码-:80-84
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Experimental Research on Quality Evaluation and Detection Method of Dynamic Compaction of Block Rock Filler in a High-fill Airport
WANG Jialei WU Shuaifeng
(China Airport Planning & Design Institute Co., Ltd. China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research)
Abstract: In order to study the quality evaluation and detection method of dynamic compaction of block rock filler, a dynamic compaction test of block rock filler was carried out in the flight area of a high-fill airport. The deformation of each point and its surrounding marking points, grain-size analysis before and after the dynamic compaction of each point, dry density, solid volume rate, power detection and wave velocity value and other experimental test data were analyzed comprehensively to make thorough evaluation of dynamic compaction quality. The optimal number of strong strikes is found to be 9 times, and the horizontal impact distance of dynamic compaction is 4 m, and the vertical impact distance is 3 m. Power detection is given priority in all recommended detection methods of dynamic compaction block rock filler, followed by the detection method of dry density and solid volume rate, and grain-size analysis. And surface wave can be used as an auxiliary means to carry out qualitative detection.
Keywords: high fill; dynamic compaction; testing; quality evaluation; deformation; detection
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