
作者:恽燕春 阮玲波 丁泓
单位:宝业集团股份有限公司 上海紫宝住宅工业有限公司
基金:国家重点研发计划“科技助力经济2020”重点专项:高品质绿色装配式建筑成套技术开发与应用示范。 -页码-:1-4
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Application of Coordinated Development of Intelligent Construction and Building Industrialization
YUN Yanchun RUAN Lingbo DING Hong
(Baoye Group Co., Ltd. Shanghai Zibao Residential Industry Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Taking the 23-01 block project on the south side of Guanyun Road, Yingpu Street, Qingpu District as the main body of implementation, the authors apply the research results of the collaborative development of intelligent construction and building industrialization, and use digital design, automated production, and intelligent construction as the implementation framework to systematically sort out the application of intelligent construction at each stage. Carrying out full-professional BIM forward design, directly exporting production data from the model, which realize the industrialized production based on automated assembly lines, and finally transfering the digital parts and models to the construction stage, combining the construction management platform and the smart construction site to improve on-site management quality and efficiency.
Keywords: building industrialization; intelligent construction; digitalization; automation; building information modeling(BIM)
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