
作者:吴嘉琦 王浩 高志鹏 李书文 丁铁军
基金: -页码-:28-31
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Application Technology of Integrated Construction Operation Platform for External Wall Protection and Operation of Prefabricated Concrete Buildings
WU Jiaqi WANG Hao GAO Zhipeng LI Shuwen DING Tiejun
(Guangxi Construction Engineering Group No.5 Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Due to the complex and diverse facades of prefabricated concrete buildings, a complete set of scaffold-free integrated construction platform for protection and operation is developed, and the design, production, installation technologies of the construction operation platform are elaborated. This technology can comptetely solve the problem that prefabricated concrete structure external wall facade prefabrication and cast-in-place wall combination, the balcony of the external facade, the window opening, the prefabricated or cast-in-situ bay window and other special parts of the construction platform are difficult to root.
Keywords: prefabricated; concrete; standardization; integration; special parts; operating platform
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