
作者:银霞 袁昌 李栋伟 张潮潮 刘小敏 侯刘锁
单位:深圳市勘察研究院有限公司 东华理工大学
基金:江西省自然科学基金(20192ACBL20002);新疆兵团科技计划项目(2020AB003)。 -页码-:99-102
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Study on Mechanical Property and Impermeability of New Precast Diaphragm Wall Joint
YIN Xia YUAN Chang LI Dongwei ZHANG Chaochao LIU Xiaomin HOU Liusuo
(Shenzhen Investigation & Research Institute Co., Ltd. East China University of Technology)
Abstract: The joint of precast wall panel in prefabricated foundation excavation often suffers from damage and seepage. Therefore, a new type of joint of precast diaphragm wall is designed, the mechanical and impermeability of the joint are studied, and the measures to improve the joint performance are given. The research results show that the failure mode of precast diaphragm wall is mainly the joint falling off caused by deformation and sliding, and the joint failure leads to the overall instability of the structure, which shows that the joint is a weak link. The new precast diaphragm wall joint can resist the water head of 30 m and has good impermeability.
Keywords: foundation excavation; diaphragm walls; joints; prefabricated; mechanical properties; impermeability
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