
作者:李智斌 赵杰 邵康节 吴广彬
单位:国家建筑工程技术研究中心 中国建筑科学研究院有限公司
基金:国家重点研发计划:装配式混凝土结构关键配套产品开发(2016YFC0701907)。 -页码-:4-7
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Practice and Prospect for Reinforced Bar Mechanical Splicing and Anchorage Technology in China
LI Zhibin ZHAO Jie SHAO Kangjie WU Guangbin
(National Engineering Research Center of Building Technology China Academy of Building Research)
Abstract: Reinforced bar mechanical splicing and anchorage technology has been widely used due to its excellent performance, convenient construction, energy saving and emission reduction. With the development of reinforced bars and concrete material, construction method and design requirement, reinforced bar mechanical splicing and anchorage technology is constantly developing, the standard system is increasingly improved, provide effective solutions for construction, which reached the international leading level. In this paper, the reinforced bar mechanical splicing and anchorage technology practice is summarized, relevant problems and suggestions are provided, technology future development is prospected.
Keywords: reinforced bars; sleeves; mechanical splicing; anchorages; mechanical properties
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