
作者:陈龙 胡林 刘萍 李衍
基金:中建三局科技研发课题:复杂环境下机场卫星厅钢结构综合施工技术应用研究。 -页码-:26-28
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Design and Construction of Steel Tube-reinforced Concrete Column Joints in High Earthquake Intensity Area
CHEN Long HU Lin LIU Ping LI Yan
(The Second Construction Engineering Co.,Ltd.of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Group Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: The S1 Satellite Hall of Kunming Changshui International Airport reconstruction and expansion project is located in the high intensity area. The main structural columns are steel tube-reinforced concrete columns. The concrete beam has large section and dense reinforcement. The stress of the beam column joints is complex, so it needs to meet the requirements of seismic fortification. According to the characteristics of the project, the combined steel corbel is used for the beam column joints, the sleeve mechanical connection is used for the main reinforcement of the beams, and the self compacting concrete is poured to ensure the construction quality and achieve good construction effect.
Keywords: steel tube concrete; composite columns; steel corbel; joints; earthquake intensity
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