
基金:住房和城乡建设部2019年科学技术计划:复杂山地环境大型园艺博览建筑景观群建造关键技术研究与应用(2019-K-068);中建股份科技研发课题(CSCEC-2020-Z-29)。 -页码-:71-76
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Safety Grade Assessment and Reinforcement Technology for Brick Chimney
SUN Xiaoyang
(China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co., Ltd.General Contracting Co.)
Abstract: Based on the safety grade evaluation and reinforcement and reconstruction project of brick chimney, the field detection of foundation, upper bearing structure, material strength, component defects and damage were carried out, and the safety grade of the chimney was identified combined with the calculation results of finite element software. According to the identification and calculation results, a reasonable reinforcement scheme is proposed, including repairing the cracks and weathering parts of the chimney body, anti-corrosion construction on the outer side of the chimney. The outer side of the chimney body is covered with 60 mm×8 mm vertical and circumferential steel hoops. A top ring beam is added at the top of the chimney and 100 mm thick concrete slab is poured. After the reinforcement measures were taken, the safe use of the chimney in the later period was ensured, the service life of the chimney was prolonged, and good reinforcement effect was achieved.
Keywords: chimneys; security; stability; identification; reinforcement; finite element analysis
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