
基金:浙江省基础公益研究计划项目(LGF18E090004);浙江省水利厅科技计划项目(RC1701);浙江省水利水电勘测设计院科标业项目(B1609,B1803)。 -页码-:63-67
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Evaluation and Analysis of the Bearing Capacity for the Dredger Fill Foundation Reinforced by Vacuum Preloading
HUANG Chaoxuan
(Zhejiang Design Institute of Water Conservancy & Hydro-electric Power)
Abstract: Relying on a dredger fill project in Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, this paper summarizes the vacuum preloading reinforcement technology. This paper monitors the transfer of vacuity, the change of soil pore water pressure and the settlement of foundation during the process of vacuum preloading reinforcement. This paper evaluates the bearing capacity of the reinforced foundation. The vane shear tests of the foundation soil at a depth of 1 m to 4 m and shallow plate loading tests are carried out. The characteristic value of the foundation bearing capacity calculated according to the vane shear strength is 51.14 kPa, which meets the design requirements of greater or equal to 50 kPa. According to the results of the shallow plate loading tests and the relevant regulations, it is determined that the characteristic value of the foundation bearing capacity is greater or equal to 100 kPa, which also meets the design requirements of greater or equal to 50 kPa. It is considered that the characteristic value of the foundation bearing capacity after the vacuum preloading reinforcement of this project meets the engineering requirements.
Keywords: soft soil foundation; reinforcement; vacuum preloading; pore water pressure; shear strength; bearing capacity
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