
基金:中交一公局集团有限公司课题:STC钢桥面施工关键技术。 -页码-:20-22
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Study on Properties and Application of Ultra-high Toughness Concrete
GUO Yongwei
(No.3 Engineering Co., Ltd.of CCCC First Highway Engineering Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Ultra-high toughness concrete lightweight composite bridge deck structure can improve the overall stiffness of bridge deck system, effectively solve the fatigue cracking of steel bridge deck and the damage of pavement layer, and improve the durability of bridges. Ultra-high toughness concrete has the characteristics of high strength, high toughness and so on, the tensile strength can reach 30 MPa and the compressive strength can reach 120 MPa. The working mechanism of ultra-high toughness concrete is studied, and the similarities and differences between ultra-high toughness concrete and conventional concrete and epoxy asphalt concrete are compared, and the scope of application for ultra-high toughness concrete is summarized.
Keywords: bridges; ultra-high toughness concrete; bridge panel; pavement layer; construction
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