
作者:王敏 童小根 张凯峰 李逸飞 姚源 白航 董晨光
基金:中建西部建设股份有限公司2019年度课题:高层建筑中强约束环境下剪力墙抗裂性能评价及混凝土性能提升(ZJXJ-2019-08)。 -页码-:23-25,31
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Research on High Strength Self-compacting Concrete Performance for Super High-rise Buildings
WANG Min TONG Xiaogen ZHANG Kaifeng LI Yifei YAO Yuan BAI Hang DONG Chenguang
(China West Construction North Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Based on the project of Xi'an Rongmin Financial Center, high strength self-compacting concrete is adopted to pour core tube shear walls and truss floors bearing plates according to the characteristics of engineering design and construction. Based on the selection of materials, mix proportion design and construction quality control, the performance and practical application of high strength self-compacting concrete are studied. The research results show that the compressive strength of the on-site curing specimen should be used as the reference for construction. High strength self-compacting concrete has good resistance to chloride ion penetration. The early shrinkage test results of high strength self-compacting concrete can be used as reference for site construction.
Keywords: tall buildings; concrete; self-compacting; mix proportion; mechanical properties
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