
作者:王文云 蔡志立 黄易平 张泽峰 张高文
基金: -页码-:99-101
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Installation Technology of Counterweight Tower Crane on the Top Slab of Basement in Operation
WANG Wenyun CAI Zhili HUANG Yiping ZHANG Zefeng ZHANG Gaowen
(rd Construction Co.,Ltd.of China Construction 5th Engineering Bureau)
Abstract: Relying on the public facilities project tower A1,in order to avoid damaging the existing structures of basement and pipelines,the box-shaped steel beams were used as the foundation of the tower crane,and it was arranged on the top of slab basement,so that the tower crane and the frame column form a stable whole under stress. The basement frame column was used as the support of the tower crane,which can meet the vertical force requirements of the tower crane. The counterweight was installed on the tower crane foundation,which can solve the tower crane overturning problem.
Keywords: tall buildings; basement; top slabs; tower cranes; counterweight; installation
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