
作者:单根德 韩海亮 张文博
基金:中建总公司课题:深圳前海交通枢纽填海区工程830m长超深基坑建造集成技术(CSCEC-2016-Z-25)。 -页码-:91-94
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Construction Technology of Underground Diaphragm Wall with Multi-mechanical Combination and Super-deep Rock Under Complex Geological Conditions and Adjacent to Subway
SHAN Gende HAN Hailiang ZHANG Wenbo
(Shenzhen General Contracting Co.of China Construction Fourth Engineering Bureau Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: Based on the Shenzhen Qianhai Comprehensive Transportation Hub and Upper Cover project,in view of the deep foundation excavation of the project is adjacent to the subway lines,the surrounding environment is complex,and the geological conditions are special,in order to ensure that the construction of the underground continuous wall does not affect the normal operation of the adjacent subway lines,the trenching machine,rotary excavator and punching square hammer were selected to construct the underground continuous wall into the rock. By taking construction quality control measures,it can avoid excessive construction vibration, reduce construction and maintenance costs, and achieve good construction effect.
Keywords: subways; deep foundation excavation; underground continuous walls; construction
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