
作者:戴志培 嵇静
基金: -页码-:69-71
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Application of Concrete Intelligent Spray Curing System in Water Transportation Engineering
DAI Zhipei JI Jing
(No.3 Engineering Co.,Ltd.of CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: Based on the 4 th phase in the wharf project of Taicang Port of Suzhou Port,this paper introduces the application of concrete intelligent spray curing system in water transportation engineering,and gives the optimal single time of spraying,the period of interval and the threshold of temperature and humidity. Through the application of the intelligent spray curing system,the concrete surface can be kept moist,the concrete curing efficiency,curing quality and apparent quality can be improved,and the maintenance cost can be saved,which is economical.
Keywords: water transportation engineering; concrete; intelligent spray; curing; parameter optimization
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