
作者:李泽泽 张炳焜
基金:四川省科技厅项目(2017JZ0035);华西集团课题(HXKX2017/018)。 -页码-:40-42
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Analysis of the Reasons of Floating and Measures of Reinforcement for the Basement Water-resistant Board
LI Zeze ZHANG Bingkun
(Sichuan Insitute of Building Research Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: Based on the project concerning the resettlement and restoration of the site No. 1 in the Industrial New Town 081 in Guangyuan,through the investigation of the accident,this paper analyzes the reasons of floating for the basement water-resistant boards, and studies the anti-floatation and reinforcement measures for the water-resistant boards. Through the rational use of the terrain conditions of the site,the french drain is added to the natural slope,and the basement catchment water is drained to the outside. This method is economical and reasonable,and environmentally friendly,which has certain social benefits.
Keywords: basement; water-resistant boards; anti-floatation; reinforcement; water interception and drainage
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