
作者:杨学中 刘航
基金:住房和城乡建设部科技计划:新型半刚性自复位节点预制装配式混凝土结构抗震性能研究(2017-K9-055);北京市科技计划:既有建筑结构安全性加固综合技术服务(Z111106055111013)。 -页码-:37-39
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Application of External Prestressing Technology in the Steel Beam Reinforcement of Glass Lighting Roof Structure
YANG Xuezhong LIU Hang
(Beijing Building Construction Research Institute Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: Glass lighting roof of Wenguan Manor Exhibition Center,Chifeng City,Inner Mongolia,adopted primary and secondary steel beam bearing system. In view of the main beam deflection overlimit,roof wide range of uneven deformation and other problems,the external prestressing technology was used to reinforce the steel beam. Vertical steel struts and external prestressed cables were arranged below the roof main beam to transform the original primary and secondary steel beam bearing system into a beam string structure. The deflection of the main beam was reduced by cable tensioning. The engineering practice shows that external prestressing technology can effectively reduce the deflection of the main beam and improve the stress state of steel beam.
Keywords: roofs; steel beams; beam string structures; external prestressing; reinforcement; restoration
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