
作者:赵杰 汪虎 徐冰 邵康节
单位:中国建筑科学研究院建筑结构研究所 中国核工业二四建设有限公司
基金: -页码-:24-26
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Experimental Study of Mechanical Property After High Temperature Heating for the Cold Hardening Parallel Threaded Sleeve
ZHAO Jie WANG Hu XU Bing SHAO Kangjie
(Institute of Building Structures,China Academy of Building Research China Nuclear Industry 24 Construction Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: The mechanical property of the cold hardening parallel threaded sleeves was studied. The experimental results show that the mechanical property of the cold hardening parallel threaded sleeves after high temperature heating reduced,can not meet the standards. As a comparison,there is no obvious change for the mechanical property of the 45 parallel threaded sleeve after high temperature heating.When the cold hardening parallel threaded sleeve is used in the condition that the sleeve has to satisfy the performance of fire resistance for construction engineering,the admission inspection of fire resistance for the sleeves must be done.
Keywords: prefabricated; parallel threaded sleeves; cold hardening; mechanical properties; fire resistance; testing
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