
作者:孙小华 胡响阳 董震 房晨 何亮 郭志鹏
单位:中建科技有限公司华东分公司 杭州市城东新城建设投资有限公司 中建科技集团有限公司
基金:国家重点研发计划:基于建筑设计、部品生产、装配施工、装饰装修、质量验收全产业链的关键技术及技术集成研究与应用(2016YFC0701904)。 -页码-:52-61
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Research,Practice and Prospect of Reinforcement Column-steel Beam Hybrid Framed Structural Systems
SUN Xiaohua HU Xiangyang DONG Zhen FANG Chen HE Liang GUO Zhipeng
(East China Branch of China Construction Science & Technology Group Co.,Ltd. Hangzhou Qiandong Construction Investment Co.,Ltd. China Construction Science & Technology Group Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: Reinforcement column-steel beam( RCS) hybrid frame is an economic and efficient structural system for it can maximize both the potential material properties of reinforced concrete and steel. In this paper,the course on research and development of RCS at domestic and foreign was comprehensively backtracked at first,then its application on filed of building engineering in the worldwide was introduced,next the existing shortcomings and corresponding solutions on RCS system were pointed out and discussed respectively on the basis of a systematical summary on its experience of research and engineering,finally the application prospect of RCS frame at home was proposed based on the developing trend in construction industry of China. This overview provided an understanding access and discussion for relevant scholars and design engineers on RCS structure,in order to offer technological and informational reference for its further promotion and application in China.
Keywords: concrete reinforced columns; steel beams; hybrid frames; experimental study; engineering practice; prospect
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