
基金:上海市科学技术委员会社会发展领域课题(15DZ1203506;16DZ1201805;18DZ1205705)。 -页码-:17-19
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Application of Hole-drilling Method Combined with Endoscopy in Inspection of Sleeve Grouting Plumpness
(Shanghai Key Laboratory of Engineering Structure Safety,Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: The hole-drilling method combined with endoscopy can be used to inspect the sleeve grouting plumpness,which is a post-grouting method. When it is inspected that the sleeve grouting is not full,the drilled hole can be used for injection and supplementary grouting,so as to achieve an effective closed loop of inspection and repair. Based on a certain engineering project,the application of hole-drilling method combined with endoscopy is introduced in detail. The engineering practice shows that the holedrilling method combined with endoscopy is clear and reliable. After the grouting process is improved,the proportion of full grouting sleeves has increased from about 70% to more than 90%,effectively improving the grouting quality. For sleeves that are not full of grouting,the injection and supplementary grouting can ensure that the grouting plumpness meets the requirements.
Keywords: prefabricated; hole-drilling methods combined with endoscopy; sleeve grouting; injecting for supplementary grouting; plumpness; inspection
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