
作者:郭顺财 杨津 樊则森
单位:中建科技集团有限公司深圳分公司 中建科技集团有限公司
基金: -页码-:154-156
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Application of Plastic Mould Cast-in-place Ribbed Floor in Basketball Court Roof
GUO Shuncai YANG Jin FAN Zesen
(Shenzhen Branch of China Construction Technology Group Co., Ltd. China Construction Technology Group Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: In engineering construction, as a relatively mature technology, ribbed floor is widely used in large space and large span buildings. This construction technique has a wide range of applications, good performance and economic. Combined with a school project in Shenzhen, this paper explores the reinforcement setting, construction technology and operation points of ribbed floor used for basketball court structural floor, and introduces the specific control measures of ribbed floor.
Keywords: roof; ribbed floor; plastic mould; quality control; construction
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