
作者:马智亮 蔡诗瑶
基金:清华-广联达BIM联合研究中心项目。 -页码-:34-39
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Construction Automation and Robotics for High-rise Buildings: Research and Development in Past 40 Years and Its Tendency
MA Zhiliang CAI Shiyao
(Department of Civil Engineering,Tsinghua University)
Abstract: In the end of 70 s of last century, the research on construction automation and robotics began in Japan and the application was followed in 80 s. During the past 40 years, the research and development has been spread internationally in this field. In recent years, especially in China, the requirement on the application of construction automation and robotics becomes more pressing for high-rise buildings. In order to promote the development of the field, this paper analyzes the research and development outcomes in the past 40 years and its commercial application in a systematic way based on literature review, and predicts the development priority based on questionnaire survey, expert workshop and the summary on the relevant key technologies.
Keywords: tall buildings; automation; robotics; development priorities
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