
基金:住建部科技课题研究开发项目:5G绿色智慧建筑产业互联网关键技术研发及示范应用(K2019775)。 -页码-:54-59
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Research on the Development of New Technology and Business Form of China Intelligent Construction
DU Mingfang
(Tsinghua University)
Abstract: Based on the analysis of the development status of intelligent building industry in China, this paper proposes and systematically discusses the intelligent building system in line with China's national conditions by referring to the relevant international and domestic macro policies, and discusses the more important components in detail, including: construction robot, construction industry internet, green and intelligent construction industry internet, digital twin architecture, urban information model. These new technologies and new business forms jointly support and construct the current theoretical and practical system of intelligent construction in China, and lay the foundation for the development of China's construction industrialization. It is expected that the research work of this paper can provide some reference for the intelligent construction and building industrialization which are exploring and advancing.
Keywords: intelligent construction; construction industrialization; construction robot; construction industry internet
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