
作者:包胜 谢为时 秦现德 冯佳伟
单位:浙江大学建筑工程学院 浙江交工集团股份有限公司设计院分公司
基金:2020年度浙江省建设科研项目(2020K080);2020年度杭州市建设科研项目(2020107)。 -页码-:128-133
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Framework of Smart City Management System Based on City Information Modeling
BAO Sheng XIE Weishi QIN Xie FENG Jiawei
(College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University Design Institute Branch of Zhejiang Jiaogong Group Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Smart city has been developing for nearly ten years in China, but its development is still limited to the transportation, economy, government affairs and other fields, lacking a management mode involving multi-ecology and multi-level coordination. This paper summarizes the development status of smart city and city information modeling(CIM) in China, puts forward the hierarchical system of city data management, establishes the architecture of smart city management system based on city information model. This paper discusses the implementation process of the system and the construction scheme of each module, probing into the key and difficult problems of data management in the construction of smart city, and finally looks forward to the development prospects.
Keywords: city information modeling(CIM); smart city; management system architecture; data management
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