
作者:刘贵文 刘刚宁 庄陶之
单位:重庆大学管理科学与房地产学院 中国市政工程西南设计研究总院有限公司
基金:中央高校基金:面向价值协同的老旧小区改造前期决策研究(2020CDJSK03PT23);国家自然科学基金:多重新兴技术叠加冲击下建筑业在位企业商业模式创新成效提升机理与路径研究(71802030)。 -页码-:83-86
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Promoting High Quality Urban Renewal By EPC
LIU Guiwen LIU Gangning ZHUANG Taozhi
(School of Management Science and Rea Estate, Chongqing University Southwest Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute of China)
Abstract: Urban renewal in the new era is of great significance to promote the adjustment and optimization of urban structure and the improvement of urban quality, change the mode of urban development and construction, and constantly meet the growing needs of the people for a better life. However, in the process of vigorously promoting urban renewal in China, there are still many problems. Because the transformation oriented urban renewal project is significantly different from the traditional new project, the traditional contracting project management mode can not guarantee the high quality of urban renewal. From the perspective of project contracting management mode, this paper analyzes the challenges of urban renewal project oriented by transformation, and analyzes the applicability of EPC mode for renewal project, and then puts forward some suggestions on promoting EPC mode to promote high-quality urban renewal in China.
Keywords: urban renewal; engineering procurement construction(EPC); transformation orientation; project management
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