
作者:吴文伶 刘星 冯建华 石敬斌 耿冬青 周辉
单位:中建工程产业技术研究院有限公司 中国建筑土木建设有限公司
基金:“十三五”国家重点研发计划子课题:建筑碳排放信息化核算平台研发(2018YFC0704402-03);中国工程院咨询研究课题:“未来三十年建筑业技术发展趋势研究”(2020-ZD-9-10)。 -页码-:118-122
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Research on Carbon Emission of Construction Machinery in Construction Engineering
WU Wenling LIU Xing FENG Jianhua SHI Jingbin GENG Dongqing ZHOU Hui
(China Construction Engineering Industry Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. China Construction Civil Engineering Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: This paper studies the carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions from the construction process. The calculation method of CO2 emission based on engineering consumption quota and carbon emission factor of construction machinery is established, and two cases of commercial buildings and school buildings are taken as examples to study the construction carbon emission. It's shown that the unit CO2 emission for the two buildings' construction process are 11.5 kgCO2/m2 and 11.6 kgCO2/m2, respectively. The CO(2 )emissions for earthwork, foundation work, masonry, concrete work, reinforcement work, formwork, decoration work and measurement work during construction were calculated. The results showed that foundation work and measurement work emitted the most CO2, contributing more than 50% CO2 emission, following by reinforcement work and concrete work. Formwork and masonry work emitted very little CO2. The CO2 emission of different machines were also studied, and the results show that the top 10 machines can take up about 90% of the total CO2 emission. Tower crane, electric welding machine, drilling rig, pile driver, truck, excavator and concrete pump are some of the most CO2 emission machines. These results could help construction managers identify low carbon construction methods and machines in order to maximize the carbon reduction opportunity during the construction stage.
Keywords: carbon emission; carbon neutralization; carbon emission factor; construction machinery; construction engineering
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