
作者:郭金雪 刘金波 张松 李冰
基金: -页码-:96-99
参考文献[1] 上海岩土工程勘察设计研究院有限公司.静压桩施工技术规程:JGJ/T 394—2017[S].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2017.
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[5] 刘金波,李文平,刘民易,等.建筑地基基础设计禁忌及实例[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2013.
Cause Analysis and Treatment Method of Insufficient Bearing Capacity of Prestressed Pipe Pile
GUO Jinxue LIU Jinbo ZHANG Song LI Bing
(China Academy of Building Research)
Abstract: In practice, the bearing capacity of pile foundation ofter doesn't meet the requirements. It is very important to analyze the reasons and put forward reasonable treatment methods. Based on a project using prestressed pipe pile foundation, through the analysis of Q-S static load curve, high strain test data, pile end bearing layer and construction time, the main reason for the failure of bearing capacity of prestressed pipe pile is that the bearing layer at the end of pile is softened when water is encountered. Different treatment methods and suggestions are given for construction progress, such as timely plugging at pile end, changing the foundation form, strengthening waterproof board to increase rigidity, strengthening the connection rigidity between main podium buildings, etc.
Keywords: piles; bearing capacity; bearing layer of pile; pipe pile; softening; treatment
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