
作者:张海太 李晓冉
单位:云南丽香高速公路投资开发有限公司 同济大学土木工程学院地下建筑与工程系 同济大学岩土及地下工程教育部重点实验室
基金:山区高速公路地下互通立交建设与运营安全关键技术研究(云交科教201840)。 -页码-:121-125
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Optimization Research on Large Section Construction Method in Hutiaoxia Bifurcated Tunnel
ZHANG Haitai LI Xiaan
(Yunnan Lixiang Expressway Investment Development Co., Ltd. Department of Geotechnical Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering of the Ministry of Education, Tongji University)
Abstract: Hutiaoxia underground interchange tunnel has large and variable cross-sections with a branch tunnel, which is the first case in China. The excavation span of the largest convex part of the super-large cross-section tunnel is 28.96 m, and the vault is flat. It is easy to cause the instability and collapse of surrounding rock during construction. To ensure the safety of the tunnel excavation and the completion of the construction on schedule, the right-side pilot excavation is excavated before completing the middle pilot tunnel, the support of grade Ⅳ surrounding rock is strengthened. Compared with the originally designed double-side pilot excavation method, the construction period is reduced by 50 days, which greatly improves the construction efficiency. The analysis of the monitoring data shows that this construction method is feasible and can meet the construction requirements.
Keywords: tunnels; excavation; safety; supports; monitoring
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