
作者:马雪兵 余地华 叶建 王树峰 向文秘
基金:中建股份2020年本级科技研发计划:基于两山医院的防疫工程建设集成技术及产业化研究(CSCEC-2020-Z-06)。 -页码-:143-145
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Research on the Key Points of Operation and Maintenance of Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital
MA Xuebing YU Dihua YE Jian WANG Shufeng XIANG Wenmi
(General Construction Co.of CCTEB Group Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: To design and construct Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital, it is significant to guarantee the reliable supply of oxygen, preventing the virus spread, sufficient time to maintain the reinforced concrete of CT rooms, and the late maintenance. These problems were solved by introducing the following techniques including the intelligent oxygen supply system, gradient control of air pressure, treatment of medical and living waste, treatment of raw medical sewage, ionization protection system, and online maintenance platform. These techniques can ensure that the operations of Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital can start on time and run smoothly and efficiently. Additionally, no pollution and no infection were guaranteed during the operation and maintenance of the hospital.
Keywords: hospitals; emergency rescue; operation; maintenance; design
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